Sunday, November 1, 2009

Portal to Adventure, Part Eight

OK, after taking the summer, plus basically two extra months, I realized that it's probably hard to keep people interested in a serial story with that big of a gap. What should it be? A week to ten days I heard somewhere.

The other problem is that when I stop writing on a story, every once in a while it pops into my head as if on pause, right where I left of. It's almost as if it's telling me to get going, that the characters are kind of pissed off to be left in limbo. Strange?

Well, I've got two other stories in the same boat, more on that later.

I do PROMISE not be so late with the next installment. I still want to wrap up Portal to Adventure so that I can publish it as a complete book, then work on book two.

Thanks for reading.

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