Monday, February 2, 2009


Now that over 800 people have downloaded the first part of the John Smith story, and more than 200 of them are continuing on to other parts as of this writing, I suppose some kind of milestone has been reached. Well for me it has anyway. Two hundred (not to mention eight hundred) is far more people than have been reached by word of mouth, at least not by either my wife or I, and probably not my friends who have read the story either.

I am excited!

Of course this also means I have to get going on part V which is already late.

I kind of wish some of the people reading the story would join here so they could give me more direct feedback on how they like/dislike parts of it. Maybe I will put a suggestion at the end of part five.

1 comment:

cbell said...

Hi, I signed up to encourage you to upload part 5 to Smashwords - please! I'm in limbo waiting to find out what happens to John!